- http://dysgu.cymru.gov.uk/docs/learningwales/publications/121122ictlearningen.pdf – pdf file named “Does ICT improve learning and teaching in schools?” contains general overview if the impact of ICT on teaching and learning in a broader educational research context.
- http://www.openeducationeuropa.eu/sites/default/files/asset/creative%20learning%20Punie.pdf – pdf where authors argue for the necessity of creativity and innovation in educational sets. It focuses on three interrelated enablers for change: technologies, culture and pedagogy.
- http://www.unevoc.unesco.org/fileadmin/up/emergingtrendsinictforeducationandtraining.pdf – pdf file concerning on description of education paradigms shifts, creation of new culture, pedagogical practices using ICT and emerging topics in ICT integration
- http://ftp.jrc.es/EURdoc/JRC62370.pdf – pdf file report of a project on ‘Creativity and Innovation in Education and Training in the EU27 (ICEAC)’ The project aimed to provide a better understanding of how innovation and creativity are framed in the national and/or regional education objectives and applied in educational practice at primary and secondary school level. It collected and analysed the present state of affairs in the Member States as regards the role of creativity and innovation in primary and secondary schools.
- http://www.nsead.org/ict/links/links51.aspx contains a list of websites contain further information to support the ICT in Schools strategy.
- European Project i-LAB2 – Innovation Laboratories for the quality assurance of vocational education and training – http://www.ilab2.eu
- Center for Creative Learning – http://www.creativelearning.com/
- Bobby Elliott (2007) Modernising assessment: the use of web 2.0 for formative and summative assessment.
- Pyka A., Kuppers P. (2002) – Innovation Networks Theory and Practice. Edward Elgar Publishing
- Buell, C. (undated). Cognitivism. Retrieved 10 June, 2015 from http://web.cocc.edu/cbuell/theories/cognitivism.htm.
- OpenInn Project: Innovative didactics:
- http://openinn.eu/learning-material/pedagogical-background/2-innovative-didactics/25-focus-adult-education-innovative-didactics-framework (retrieved on 27 June 2015)
- Effective Adult Learning: A Toolkit for Teaching Adults (2012) nwcphp, University of Washington
- More on brainwriting: http://www.mbabrief.com/what_is_brainwriting.asp, and http://www.creativityatwork.com/2011/01/10/brainwriting/
- More on group facilitation: http://ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/leadership/group-facilitation/group-discussions/main
- http://www.mindtools.com/pages/article/RoleofAFacilitator.htm
- Solution Surfers – Solution focused coaching http://www.solutionsurfers.com/
- European Project i-LAB2 – Innovation Laboratories for the quality assurance of vocational education and training – http://www.ilab2.eu
- Center for Creative Learning – http://www.creativelearning.com/
- Bobby Elliott (2007) Modernising assessment: the use of web 2.0 for formative and summative assessment.
- Pyka A., Kuppers P. (2002) – Innovation Networks Theory and Practice. Edward Elgar Publishing
- http://manualthinking.com/tag/osborn-checklist/
- http://www.wired.com/2014/01/artificial-intelligence-set-deliver-wow/
- ]How to manage collective creativity, video by Harvard professor Linda Hill, co-author of «Collective Genius“, available at https://www.ted.com/talks/linda_hill_how_to_manage_for_collective_creativity
- Alla Zusman, Overview of Creative Methods availabale at http://www.ideationtriz.com/paper_Overview_of_Creative_Methods.asp
- Udacityhttps://www.udacity.com/
- Coursera http://coursera.org/
- Edx https://www.edx.org/
- M4T http://moodle4teachers.org/
- EMMA http://project.europeanmoocs.eu/
- Alison http://alison.com/
- W3Schools http://www.w3schools.com/
- Neuronal Dynamics http://neuronaldynamics.epfl.ch/